31 août 2017

August Wrap Up | My Worst Reading Month ...?

Hello everyone !

August is over and Winter is coming (I'm not talking about the actual winter I'm talking about college, don't judge me). In a week I'll go back to college and … I don't want to. I'm not going to complain for a whole paragraph about it so let's move on to the fun stuff : Games !
I fell in love with Life is Strange. It's such a fascinating game. For those who've never heard of it, it's basically a game where every choice you make will have an impact on the present and the future (and sometimes the past too). We follow a high school student who can rewind time and let me tell you, it's not as cool as it sounds. I mean, yes ,time-travel is awesome but the consequences, guys. Everytime I had to make a choice I had to think about what would happen next. The cool thing is that you can rewind after making a choice to see the other alternatives.

Now let's talk about reading … *sighs*. It was complicated. I thought I was in a reading slump for a while but the only problem was that I didn't love any of the books I've read - or tried to read - this month.

Books I've Read

Aristotleand Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz : It was okay. I don't understand the hype around this book. It's far from being the best contemporary I've ever read. 

Books I DNF

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee : I'll post of review for this book in a few weeks (after posting my Night School reviews) but long story short, I didn't like it. I was waiting for some real character development but even halfway through the book Monty was still the same self-absorbed person he was at the beginning. I'll talk about the other issues I had with this book in my review. 

Once and For All by Sarah Dessen : I liked Just Listen and Saint Anything so I thought I'd like this book too but nop. I stopped halfway throught the book  because I didn't like or feel any connection to the characters. The love interest was not endearingly quirky but just annoying. If I met him in real life, I wouldn't even look at him. He's immature and childish but of course it's the other characters' fault, not his.

Currently Reading 

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas : I don't know what the problem is with this book. I like the story and the characters but I always get distracted while reading it. I think it has to do with the writing. I'm not a writing expert so I can't tell you precisely what's wrong with it but I don't feel gripped. I spent 10 minutes staring at nothing instead of reading it. That's usually not a good sign. However, I don't want to DNF it because like I said, I like the story. I think I'm going to try to read one chapter a day.

The Wish Granter by C.J Redwine : It's a companion story to the Shadow Queen which I haven't read (Snow White who tries to get her kingdom back, we all know how it ends). It's a retelling of Rumplestilskin. It's good. Not great nor mind-blowing. Just good.

A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin : After this disastrous month, I had to pick this book up to remind me why I love reading so much.

Books I Reviewed

Other Posts 

September TBR 

Captive Prince by C.S Pacat : I've heard mixed things about this and I'm intrigued.

That's it for today. I really hope I'll love my next reads because I'm getting desperate. 

Tell me the best read you've had this month !  

Hope you enjoyed, see you next time.

6 commentaires:

  1. I can't believe August is over! Nooo... and I can relate to the slump, the last few books I've tried have been kinda meh, but I think I'm back on track. I hope? Ooh are you re- reading game of Thrones?

    Let's see- best read this month? I'll go with Emma in the Night or the Collapsing Empire- I liked both of those a lot.

  2. Me too ! I want my summer back. I don't know if it's because we've read so many books but it seems like it's getting harder to find really good books.
    Yep ! It's the first time I read it in english, it's like reading a whole new books. Oh and I'm noticing sooo many things. I can't believe I never paid attention to those details before !

    I tihnk I'm going to read Emma in the Night soon. I'm very intrigued.

  3. That game you're playing does sound cool! I know what you mean about the reading slump though. I feel like I'm in a similar one myself, where I'm just not loving any book and am having a hard time feeling gripped by any. But ooh, Captive Prince is one that absolutely did grip me when I read it, so I hope you love it!

    1. It is ! YES, that's exactly it. I pick up a book, I read a few pages and then I pick up another one and do the same. It's so frustrating.
      I hope so too. The premise sounds so interesting.

  4. Dang Life is Strange sounds like so much fun! You should do game reviews on the blog sometimes because I'd love to see your thoughts on games.

    I'm really excited to see your thoughts on Captive Prince. It's definitely super controversial and I've considered picking it up for a while but no one I know well has read and reviewed it (so you could say whether I read it depends on if you like it lol no pressure ;)

    1. You should try it. It's entertaining and it tackles a lot of heavy topics. Hmm I don't know if I'd be good at it haha

      I'll pick it up right after a Game of Thrones sooo maybe in a week or so. I can't wait !
      LOL I feel powerful *.* ~
