24 sept. 2017

Review | Endgame (Night School #5) by C.J Daugherty

Publisher : Atom

Release Date : June 4th 2015

Genres : Mystery, YA

Pages : 375

Rating : 1.5/5
Broken. Scattered. But not defeated.

The spy is gone but the cost has been high - the rebels at Cimmeria Academy have lost their leader and Carter West is missing. Nathaniel can taste victory. But Allie and the other survivors aren't done yet. First they have to get Carter back. Then they plan to make Nathaniel pay.

One way or another - the game must end.

Endgame is the final book of the Night School series. All of the characters are restless since Carter has been kidnapped and the ultimate goal is to bring him back and find a way to deal with Nathaniel. There is no more sulking around for the gang, they're all – with the teachers – focused on working together to save Carter.

Remember how I didn't like Allie in the last book ? Well, I'm pleased to say she got more mature in this book. She thinks through her decisions and doesn't act impulsively. That's the Allie I wanted to see for the last 2 books.

We don't get too see much of the other characters. Everyone is doing the best they can to help and they're pretty much all busy. I don't know if I'm the only one but I ship Zoe/Lucas. I can easily imagine Zoe growing up and be with Lucas in the future, they have the chemistry Katie/Lucas lacks. I didn't really understand their couple when they got closer in Resistance and I still don't. It seems to be the kind of couple that exists only for the sake of existing.

Now let's talk about how this serie ends : I expected much more. Nathaniel is supposed to be the big vilain of the story but from the beginning he didn't have that vilain vibe I was looking for. Yes, he was a dreaded threat but that's all he was. A threat.
In retrospect, Gabe was the real deal. He ruthlessly killed people after all and I'm disappointed that we don't know why. In the first book, he was very protective of Jo. He didn't want her to go outside because he knew about Nathaniel's guards, so why did he kill her ? Why doesn't he feel any remorse when he was so concerned about her safety ? His inconsistence bothered me and left me hoping we'll get some kind of reason behind it but we don't. We don't know anything about him. He's, in my opinion, the real vilain of the story and the author doesn't give us a background to explain his actions.

Overall, Night School is an average series but I had too many issues with it to fully enjoyed it : The dragging love triangle, the lack of real action and, as I mentioned before, the vilains.I wouldn't recommend it.

2 commentaires:

  1. 1.5 stars! Ouch. :) I'm still sort of in the early stages of this one, I fell away and never finished, although I DO want to see what happens with Carter and who Allie ultimately ends up. I mean I'm assuming it's Carter but with this series? Who knows??

    Zoe is awesome, I agree. Her and Lucas- yeah that works!

    Sounds like a disappointing end too. Nathaniel should have been a bigger deal, I just thought Gabe was a thug and a crony, but if he ends up being the villain that's pretty lame.

    1. I hope you'll like it but I sincerely doubt it. Haha you seem very invested in the romance. At the end I didn't even care about all of that, I just wanted to close the book and forget about the series.
