6 oct. 2017

September Wrap Up | I Don't Like Being Busy

Hello everyone !

Can you believe it's already October ? 
This month was good but tiring. I've been very busy between blogging, reading, my three group projects, my classes … It's very hard to manage everything but I'm doing my best so that's what matters, right ? I'm sorry if I don't comment to your blogs as often as I used to. I read blog posts when I'm on the bus but it's difficult to comment from my phone.

Fortunately, it's my last year of college, unless I decide to continue for two more years which is very unlikely. I'm trying to enjoy the "college experience" as much as I can. For those wondering, I'm not talking about partying and having fun with friends but going to the library and to class. I only missed two days this month. That must be a record for me. 

Now that you know how boring I really am we can start this wrap up !

Books I've Read

A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin : It's as good as I remembered. I think about doing a post about rereading it. I'll try to post it this month.

Captive Prince by C.SPacat : Damen, the heir of his kingdom, is betrayed and sent as a pleasure slave to the Prince of the rival country, Laurent.
This book was a huge surprise for me. I didn't expect to love it so much. I'll post a review for it next week so I'm not going into too many details here but you should check the trigger warnings of this book before going into it. There are a lot of brutal and graphic scenes. If you're fine with that, I think you'll like it. 

Books I Reviewed

Fracture (Night School #3) by C.J Daugherty : 2/5
Resistance (Night School #4) by C.J Daugherty : 2/5
Endgame (Night School #5) by C.J Daugherty : 1.5/5

October TBR

I need to read Out by Natsuo Kirino for one of the projects I have. I hope I'll have time to finish Prince's Gambit. I'm halfway through and I'm not disappointed.

That's it for today. I hope you all had a great month !

What's the best book you've read in September ?

Hope you enjoyed, see you next time.

4 commentaires:

  1. Glad you had a good month. :) And looking forward to your Game of Thrones post if you do one. Always fun to talk about those books.

    Yikes that's quite the cover for Out!

    The best book for me in Sept. was probably One Dark Throne.

    1. Haha I agree ! These books are amazing *.*

      I had the same reaction lol That's the least creepy cover I could find. At least it's memorable.

      I really want to read but it'll have to wait until december I think ><

  2. I have A Game of Thrones sitting on my TBR shelf. I’m terrified of it because it’s huge. I hope you have a great October!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's such an intimidating book ! But once I started reading it I couldn't stop. I'm sure you'll love it ! (and maybe you'll even like Bran haha)
