
17 sept. 2017

Discussion | Bullied by A Professor

Hello everyone !

Today, I'm going to talk about something not related to books/blogging and that is college. More particularly, awful professors. I don't mean awful like "oh they're so mean, they give us tons of homework". I mean the "real" kind of awful. The kind that can hurt people.
I have a very racist/discriminating professor and I need to rant.

11 sept. 2017

Music Monday | My Current Faves !

Hello everyone !

Today, I'm going to share the songs I'm listening to these days. Music Monday is a meme hosted by  Lauren from Always Me, the only thing you have to do is share the songs you love and link up with Lauren.
Let's get started !

5 sept. 2017

Discussion | Are DNF Reviews Useless ?

Hello everyone !

I've seen a lot of people on Twitter, Booktube and such say that people who DNF a book shouldn't write reviews about them. As you may have guessed - since I have a DNF section on this blog – I disagree.

2 sept. 2017

Game of Thrones S7 | Part 2 : The South

Hello everyone ! 

Just like for the part 1, you need to know that :
1. There are LOTS of spoilers ahead.
2. If a quote isn't in a blockquote or in italic, it's just me paraphrasing the characters.

Let's go !