
7 nov. 2016

My November TBR !

I don't usually do TBRs and Wrap Ups but I decided to start doing them because I love reading them and I thought it'd be a fun thing to do ~
I really hope I'll be able to read more but I'm not sure because all of the things going on for me right now. Anyway, let's get started !

6547259I just finished reading The Well of Ascension  and I need to pick up the next book of the serie : The Hero of Ages. This serie is AMAZING ! I'm always scared of picking up a book where there is too much hype surrounding it but oh my god, it's so worth reading !

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 Labyrinth Lost is next on my list ! I didn't hear anything about it except the synopsis but I have a good feeling about this book. It's about a witch who hates magic. One day, she decides to use a spell to get rid of her powers but it goes wrong and makes her family disapear. I've never read anything like this before so I'm very excited to read it.

That's my November TBR. I don't want to be too ambitious. I'm so excited about reading them *jumps around* !

Have you read any of these books ? What's on your TBR this month ? Tell me in the comments !

2 commentaires:

  1. Labyrinth Lost sounds like a good one - happy reading!

  2. Thanks ! I'm almost halfway through and I don't know what to think yet, it's going to be a hard one to review ><
